
Monday, 13 February 2012

The Body Shop Earth Lovers Watermelon & Eucalyptus Shower Gel

Hello Gorgeous People! Did you all have a lovely weekend? Mine was very chilled out. I mean very. All I did was go to the gym on Saturday and have a bit of a spring clean on Sunday. I did eat a lot of crisps and drink lots of red wine in between though ;-)

I'm constantly on the look out for a eucalyptus alternative to my beloved Molton Brown Eucalyptus Bath and Shower Therapy - post here. It's pretty expensive, so I'm desperate to find a cheaper alternative. I jumped at the chance to buy this from The Body Shops website. I think I've mentioned before that they are always emailing out offers and I think I ended up getting this shower gel for about £2. Bargain!

Everything about this shower gel is lovely - the fact that the bottle is made from 100% recycled materials and is biodegradable, the shower gel itself doesn't contain nasty parabens or colourants and is soap free meaning that it's great for sensitive skin and won't leave it itchy or dry. Even the smell is lovely - you can really smell the watermelon. Sadly it just doesn't match up in the eucalyptus stakes :-(

If I wasn't on the hunt for a Molton Brown alternative I would LOVE this shower gel. But sadly in comparison it just doesn't cut it for me.

Maybe I was aiming too high here by opting for The Body Shop. However this won't deter me at all from buying this product in the future :-)

Friday, 10 February 2012

The Single Girls Guide To Surviving Valentine's Day.

Hello Girls! (and guy's!) I don't know about you, but I'm not really a fan of Valentine's Day. I mean it's all well and good if you're in a relationship and will be spoilt rotten and showered with love and gifts by your significant other. If that's you, I'm pleased for you, I really am - I mean you've done well so far, right? But what about the rest of us?

Well us single girls will do one of two things; we will either fight Valentine's day with all we've got and protest our hate for this horrid day and claim it's just a way for companies to make money or we will curl up in a ball and convince ourselves that our prince charming will never come and that we will die alone.

I can't really claim to solve all of your problems, but what I can do is hopefully find a way that will get all us single ladies through Valentine's day smoothly.

Grab yourselves a big glass of wine and take a look at my list of suggestions. Hopefully you can find one that suits you.

1. Go to bed early and cry.   only joking. DO NOT do this.
1. Meet up with your best single girlfriends and go for dinner and wine/cocktails/alcoholic beverage of your choice.
2. Invite single girlfriends round to your house for dvd/ice-cream/wine.
3. Hit the gym followed by a swim - exercise makes you feel good. Proven fact.
4. Watch your favourite horror/scary movie. Silence Of The Lambs would be my choice.
5. Send a Valentines card to a friend. Making someone else happy will make you happy. Plus this is an ideal way of proving that friendship will outlive every romance you will ever have.
6. Have an evening in and pamper yourself. Make time to paint your nails and condition your hair and generally make yourself look hot!
7. Buy that dress or pair of shoes that you've been after for ages. Who needs a man to buy them gifts? Being able to buy yourself a present and know that you have worked hard for it will mean more than a present from a man ever would.
8. Rid yourself of all things that remind you of a past relationship - teddies, photo's etc. You don't need it, throwing these things away will help you move on.
9. Treat all the girls in your office to cake!
10. Love yourself. If you are not happy by yourself how can you expect to be happy with someone else. A positive outlook on life will bring positive things your way.
11. Start the healthy eating and exercise plan you've been meaning to do for ages. Now's a good a time as any!
12. Donate the money you would have spent on a valentines gift to charity. A far more worthy cause than buying a teddy for a man!

Whatever you are doing this V-Day I hope you are having a great one :-) xx

Ooh one last thing, whatever you do, do not watch the Notebook. It is a beautiful film - but no good can ever come of it!! (I have learnt this lesson time and time again!)

If you have any more suggestions please feel free to add them below. :-)

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Should I Cross Over To The Dark Side?

Hello Gorgeous People! I hope you are all having a lovely week. I'm after a bit of help today... I'm due for my hair to be coloured and I'm wondering if I should stay blonde, or become a brunette. I'm currently really undecided!

Here is the catch. I'm a stupidly mousey boring colour naturally, and obviously have darker roots being a blonde. On the odd occasion I have been a brunette, I have light roots! I don't get my hair coloured very often, so putting up with some rootage is compulsary,  I'm just pretty unsure if light hair and dark roots would look better than dark hair and light roots! Aaaah the troubles of being a girl. I've added a couple of pictures below, and would love your opinion on which colour you think I should be!!




Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Indola Colour Style Mousse - Honey Blonde - Review

Every fancied changing your hair colour? If you're anything like me and are too scared to make the big leap without having a little trial run first, or want to freshen up the colour you currently have, this Indola Colour Style Mousse will be perfect you! It's a wash out formula which makes it so easy to try a new colour without any permanent commitment.

Application is so quick and easy - all you need to do is wash your hair as usual and then pop an orange sized amount of this mousse into a gloved hand (or risk staining!) and distribute evenly through hair, and comb to make sure you haven't missed a spot. Dry and style your hair as you normally would.

I chose a colour similar to my own hair just to freshen things up a bit, and having been under the weather recently I'm not sure I would have coped well with a dramatic change, although I would love to try a red or brown next time :-)

The results weren't too dramatic for me (I chose 'honey blonde') but this product did an amazing job of refreshing my hair colour and toning down any brassiness. I am very overdue for a colour and this did a perfect job in restoring shine and masking those imperfections, whilst I wait for my hair appointment.



I'm not sure how well these photo's showcase the 'before' and 'after' looks, but I felt fab, and it came at a fraction of the cost and commitment of a permanent colour - this mousse retails at £7.75.

Not only did it give fantastic shine and improved softness, the Indola Colour Mousse also boats a formula that helps to protect against heat damage. It's a win-win situation! Aaaannndd..... with 12 colours to choose from you can't go wrong!

Have you ever tried a 'wash in wash out' colour?

*This product was sent to me to review and I was not compensated in any way for this. As always, my reviews on this product are completely honest.